
The GAP analysis is followed by an implementation of our eQMS, exeQute , and proposed solutions for optimizing your company's internal processes. exeQute is implemented in the company's systems and can be used by the whole team!

Implementing exeQute means streamlining internal processes!

The implementation of our platform on three different levels


The implementation of N'Ginie and solutions for quality assurance at the basic level give your company the opportunity to comply with 85% of the ISO certification requirements. Your company receives instructions for the program and the possibility of online support for questions regarding quality.


The implementation of N'Ginie and solutions for quality assurance at the professional level give your company the tools to comply with quality and meet certification requirements. We structure the business architecture of your company; we are available with support and training in the program; and helps you review the company's processes and output.


The implementation of N'Ginie at the premium level as well as quality assurance solutions includes a comprehensive integration of N'Ginie and we will be responsible for designing, developing and reviewing the quality assurance in your company. We also support you in your work with external auditors and other external players.